Us And Faith

photo from pixabay

photo from Pixabay

Last weekend I was reading a book called “The Miracle of Mind Power” by Dan Custer, and in his book he made the statement that humans are born with faith, and lots of it. We have faith that a chair will hold us, or an apple seed will produce an apple, or that our gardens will do well, but when it comes to a Higher Power we tend to redirect this faith somewhere else, so when people say we don’t have faith that’s not exactly true.

For a long time I had total faith in things not working out, I lived with fear, anxiety, and worry, I had so much faith in it that it continued to manifest in my life year after year. Believing what I was taught as a child I thought I didn’t have any faith, but in reality I had a lot of faith, faith in what I didn’t want in my life.

Society teaches us to fear and worry about everything going on, the news tells story after story of hate, anger, and violence. Watching these types of things can redirect our faith to hate, anger, and violence, and when our faith is in these things we will begin to see it more and more wherever we go.

I don’t want to live this way, I want to redirect my faith back to love, happiness, and hope. Yes, violence and hate will continue to be seen on TV and be read in the newspapers, but my personal world will be full of love and happiness.

About Mimic Nature

Hello everyone! I’m so glad to see you! I’m Jana, I’m an eccentric wife and mother; I work 2 jobs and homeschool my kids. With all this going on in my life, I want to focus my attention on the things that make me happy, and the one thing that has made me happy ever since I was a little kid is nature. As my life progressed and changed through my teen years and my early married life, I lost my connection to it. Life took over and here I am living disconnected from nature because of work, bills, and every day events that keep me away. So the next chapter of my life will be dedicated, at least in some small part, to reconnecting to nature; I still have a mortgage, work, and a family to take care of, but now, I will be more aware of nature and my place within it. Each day, I will find some small way to not harm nature. Not long ago I was introduced to something called permaculture and I fell in love with it. Basically, it’s building a small ecosystem in your own backyard that is based off of what nature would do naturally. In turn your backyard helps you, and you help your backyard…with minimal work!! At first it may take more work, but over time, your backyard will become self-sustaining and you won’t have to work as hard…other than harvesting. I love the life lessons that I learn from nature, so what I promise to do is share a lesson that I’ve learned from nature each week, share what I’m learning about permaculture, and share my own personal progress in changing my homestead into a permaculture Garden of Eden. And since it’s hard to make any changes in life, I want to have some free giveaways once in awhile…all nature themed of course, to help all of us remember our ‘green’ family. Read a few articles, see if you like what is there, if you do, go ahead and subscribe. If you don’t like what you see, that’s ok, I’m honored that you took the time to get to know me a little and see my vision for my blog and my life.
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